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How it Works

Submitting a resume to JobRoyal is a simple process that allows job seekers to apply for multiple jobs in one place.


Create profile

It will take you less than five minutes for your sleek profile to attract investors and talent.


Add Resume

Once you have an account, you will be able to upload your resume.


Apply for jobs

When you find a job that interests you, you can apply for it directly.


Create profile

It will take you less than five minutes for your sleek profile to attract investors and talent. This can include your work experience, education, and skills.


Add Resume

Once you have an account, you will be able to upload your resume. Make sure your resume is up to date and tailored for the job you are applying for.


Apply for jobs

When you find a job that interests you, you can apply for it directly through the job board portal. This typically involves submitting your resume.

Recent Jobs

Find a job you love.

WP Developer

Full Time in San Francisco, CA
FantasyThemes 3 years ago

Junior Graphic Designer

Full Time in New York, USA
Zendex 3 years ago

Content Writer Junior

Internship in Rome, Italy
PenTool 3 years ago

WordPress Developer

Full Time in London, UK
FantasyThemes 3 years ago

Front End and Back End Developer

Temporary in Ottawa, Canada
The Box 3 years ago

Software Engineer for Automaker

Full Time in Chicago, USA
Tatra 3 years ago

Top Companies

Companies we’ve helped recruit excellent applicants over the years.

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FantasyThemes Founder, FantasyThemes Founder, FantasyThemes