Thank you for purchasing our plugin. We're as excited as you are about the possibilities before you. Finally, its going to be far less complicated to make your WordPress website pages look and feel the way you want them. We built this theme for everyone. It is perfect for newcomers to creating a WordPress site. Code is only poetry to people who know what it all means. To everyone else it is a strange and very foreign language. We get that and built everybody's requests right into the front end options. For all our seasoned WordPress pros, we know how frustrating it can be trying to finish a client's project. We think you're about to discover you can go from start to finish faster than ever and produce a smashing looking site in far less time than you ever thought possible.
Note: Be sure to refer to the information outlined in the following documentation for the JobRoyal theme while building your new site. We have explained much of what you need to know to create great looking pages easily using the features built into the theme with you in mind. If you cannot locate the answer here, sign up for our support forum. We do not answer support questions on ThemeForest neither via email.
The first step in setting up your JobRoyal - powered website is to install WordPress and the JobRoyal plugin itself. But before doing so, you should check your hosting environment. As a guide, we recommend:
Go to Dashboard -> Appearance -> FT: Import Demo -> Click "Import Demo"
The JobRoyal panel sections are:
Here you can setup the main theme settings
Here you can setup the submit listings moderation.
Here you can setup the payment gateways and packages.
Here you can configure email response message and style.
Here you can setup the google maps settings.
Here you can see downlod the list of job subscribers with their criteria.
Here you can downlod the list of applicants subscribers with their criteria.
JobRoyal has 39 custom built Elementor widgets:
JobRoyal is fully translation ready.
To start the translation we recommend to use the following plugin Loco Translate. Here is a tutorial on how to translate the theme with Loco Translate: Translate tutorial.
If you need help, please do not hesitate to contact us! To grant best support please contact us by email at [email protected]. Channeling all requests at one place keeps and makes it simple, easier and even more effective for every customers to get quick help. All issues, requests and questions can be discussed and answered at one place. Please note, you will only get access to our forums with a valid purchase key!
Each of our plugin is a final version when offered for sale to you. If you've got some issues - we gladly help you out. Please Note! We cannot make radical changes without compensation.